Who is Tito?

Born in Mexico City 1956. As a young boy Tito experienced first hand the exciting, and fantastic sport of "Lucha Libre". His father the legendary crooked-eyed Luchador promoter Juanito Juarez and his mother a short order cook at the local cantina, heavily influenced Tito. He had one goal in life to be the most famous Luchador in all of Mexico!

Though he experienced a decent pro career as the luchador "El Gallo Negro", Tito would retire with a record of 5-48-3. Tito began his search for something new, as he was home eating his mothers home cooking it dawned on him...This was the best taco in all of Mexico, i should bring this to America! So thus began the voyage north to the USA where Tito met the love of his life and Hawaiian Tropic model Suzy Sanchez. With her lifetime supply of tanning products and Titos taco recipes the two decide to open up the first Titos Tanning & Tacos in South Central Los Angeles, Ca.

With the love of Lucha Libre, Excellent tacos and dark tans, Titos has made a name for itself and still kicking!

And the legend continues...

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